Laboratory Emissions Monitoring Systems in use at the Aprovecho campus.

Established in 1976, Aprovecho Research Center (ARC), a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, helps to build capacity in organizations around the world by providing biomass cooking and heating stove design training paired with high quality lab and field testing capabilities so local actors can test and improve their wood burning cooking stove designs and programs. We specialize in iterative experimental design of cooking and heating stoves through rapid prototyping and emissions and efficiency measurements with the ultimate goal of improving health and slowing climate change.

We offer a comprehensive range of biomass cooking and heating design and testing services led by a team of engineers and consultants available to serve on a variety of research, development, and training projects. Please have a look at Our Work and Resources for more information.

  • click here to download Clean Burning Biomass Cookstoves 2021 Edition

“It is no overstatement to say that without Aprovecho Research Center we would most likely not have a modern cookstove movement and we certainly wouldn’t have BURN!”

For over three decades, Aprovecho Research Center has been the global go-to for practical, efficient, and purposeful expertise in the design and testing of biomass cookstoves. Their leading-edge and collaborative research continues to remain open source and accessible to promote the “best use of” resources for everyone from the rural cook to national governments.