SeaChar makes a TLUD stove that is promoted in Costa Rica
The lab is open today to Art Donnelly and Dave McInturff of SeaChar. SeaChar makes a TLUD stove that is promoted in Costa Rica as a fuel saving and health improving cook stove, as well as in Seattle and other US cities as a carbon saving yard waste burner. It is designed to burn coffee husks and bamboo, but burns other woody biomass equally well or better.
Art has attended Stovecamps, Open Houses, and ETHOS conferences for the past six years where he has learned all about the stove industry, including Aprovecho’s testing and design techniques, and shared his own experience with colleagues. He is using the lab’s testing facilities and staying in the guesthouse to develop a new prototype. When the staff arrived today the blowers and pumps were humming, he was caffeinated (with Seattle’s best), and churning out data. Lab Manager Sam Bentson checks in periodically throughout the day to correct procedural mistakes and ensure quality results, but him and Dave largely take care of themselves. It is a pleasure to have Art here learning with us. Executive Director Dean Still sits at the other hood making his own discoveries with a forced air stove and we hear chatter and laughter as scientific investigation goes forward.
If you would like to learn about opportunities to use the lab, please contact us.