Tuning up Health/Climate Heating Stoves and Cook Stoves

“ARC is trying to figure out how to burn wood without making smoke.”
That’s how we sometimes explain our work to visitors.
Folks often say, “That’s not possible!” “How could you do that?”
We respond: “It doesn’t seem to be too hard.”
“Force the right amount of smoke into the fire for long enough, making sure that it’s well mixed and there’s enough air.”
“Oh, OK! That makes sense!”
Working with US Stove Company (USSC) and Shengzhou Stove Manufacturer (SSM), ARC is developing three kinds of clean burning heating stoves and six cook stoves:
- A bestselling, forced draft pellet stove needed a tune up under the emissions hood to achieve closer to complete combustion. We adjusted the inputs and decreased PM2.5 by 84%, winning 2nd place in a 2023 DOE wood stove national competition. Development continues!
- Controlling primary air achieved a 2 to 1 Turndown Ratio in a natural draft pellet stove and a tune up resulted in much better emissions and dramatically lowered the Black Carbon ratio. Mr. Shen, owner of SSM, built a beautiful prototype and we are testing it now.
- Log burning heating stoves are really interesting! The box in which the wood burns allows controlled, small changes that have big effects! Osprey Foundation has funded us to tune up an affordable, log burning heating stove (using big fuel loads as suggested by NESCAUM) Six manufactured cook stoves will be tuned up in the same way with local advice.
So much fun! Come on by for a visit! We make good coffee!