Visiting SSM

Here is a video I made last week, introducing some of the the new things I saw on my visit to Shengzhou Stove Manufacturer (SSM). I keep on saying in the video (Sorry!) how much I admire Mr. and Mrs. Shen. Mr. Shen is a great engineer who has built the new buildings, installed the machines, and taken the ideas that Dr. Winiarski brought to him and manufactured over five million durable, affordable Rocket stoves. Mrs. Shen runs the business, does HR, sells the stoves, etc.
An amazing combination! Daughter, Kristina and nephew Chenkai, are being trained to assist the business. You’ll meet the younger generation in the video. Kristina went to the University of Oregon and is now a Vice President at SSM. Chenkai leads a team selling stoves out of his offices in Shenzen.
I walked around new buildings, tested clean burning stoves (including the Jet-Flame and forced draft TLUD) and saw a new wing being built (above) with huge machines to make health/climate biomass heating stoves, a new venture. Since 1976, Aprovecho has helped approximately one hundred stove projects, with SSM becoming the most commercially successful, rolling profits into expanding capacity.
What a joy to visit!