Justa, Dos por Tres, Patsari Stoves!

Dos por Tres Stove with Chimney, photo courtesy of Proyecto Mirador

During an ETHOS panel discussion on Cooking, Health, and Climate, it was great to see that the Justa stove with chimney protected health so well. Chimneys are mandated by law in the USA/Europe/China and many other countries. When Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from England he introduced chimneys as a logical upgrade of kitchens.

The WHO (2018) listed five prescriptions to protect health:

  1.  Use only clean household energy when available 
  2. While waiting for gas, use technologies like low-emission biomass cook stoves
  3. Minimize the time children spend around smoky fires
  4. Increase ventilation
  5. Install a chimney

Functional chimneys are the historical first step to protect health.  It’s so pleasant to sit and chat in the clean kitchen when a Justa, Dos por Tres, or Patsari stove is being used! Following up with improved combustion efficiency helps to protect climate and outdoor air quality.

A Justa Stove with chimney, photo courtesy of Stove Team International

Video Overview of Clean Burning Biomass Cookstoves 2021

It can be challenging to find the time to read a book so here’s a ten-minute video introduction to “Clean Burning Biomass Cookstoves” (2020), our recent updating of the 2015 edition. Download the book for free on the publications page. We spent a significant part of last year rewriting most of the book trying to put in one place pretty much everything that ARC has learned in the last five years. The plan is to do the same in 2025.

The summary includes:

  • The energy ladder and renewable biomass
  • Fire is investigated in the lab
  • Stoves are designed by cooks in the field
  • Factories tell us how to help them
  • Chimneys and air exchange rates protect health
  • A new outside air model helps to predict PM2.5
  • Increasing heat transfer efficiency! No problem
  • Residence time is shorter than previously imagined
  • Metering and mixing get us most of the way to cleaner combustion
  • There are great new stoves!
  • Let’s move faster